Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Business Survival Workshops Announced to Help Businesses Survive and Thrive in the New Economy

Business Survival Workshops Announced to Help Businesses Survive and Thrive in the New Economy

Two Workshops Offered: Improving Your Cash Velocity and Strategic Alignment of IT

Minneapolis, MN (Vocus) February 3, 2009 -- Synergistic Software Solutions, LLC, a technology and consulting firm, announced today it is offering a new Business Survival Workshop Series (http://www.synergistic-us.com/survival/index.html) to aid businesses in confronting the challenging realities they face today. The first two workshops are being offered on February 24 and March 3, and are designed to help executives and managers synchronize functional silos and translate business goals into effective actions that are designed to produce immediate results. For more information, and to register for a workshop, visit www.synergistic-us.com.

The workshops are being led by Richard Cushing, a senior consultant at Synergistic with more than 25 years of experience in business management and consulting. According to Cushing, “Businesses of all sizes are facing unprecedented challenges in today’s economy. Cost-cutting done in the 1980s and 1990s coupled with increased global competition has made survival very challenging. Add to that the worldwide economic upheaval and uncertainty of the last year and you have a real recipe for disaster if managers and executives cannot rapidly pinpoint and act upon the key factors that will help their firms survive. Our Business Survival Workshops will help managers cut through the chaos to reach effective solutions so that they can confront their current business challenges.”

Improving Your Cash Velocity

Feb. 24, 2009, 8:30 AM-5 PM, Synergistic Training Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Cash Velocity may be the single most important indicator of an organization’s overall health, yet far too many executives and managers have never calculated it once – let alone actually track its trends. In tough economic times, understanding and managing for improved Cash Velocity may be critical to business survival.

Topics Covered:

• What is Cash Velocity and why is it important?

• Cash Flow versus Cash Velocity

• How to calculate your Cash Velocity

• Calculating your company’s Cash Consumption Rate

• How to connect your plans to actions for improving Cash Velocity

Strategic Alignment of Information Technologies

March 3, 2009, 8:30 AM-5 PM, Synergistic Training Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Many executives and managers “throw money at IT” in some hope or under some fuzzy concept that doing so will bring improvement in some way or other. This workshop is specifically designed to help an executive and management team align IT spending with measurable strategic goals like improving cash flow, increasing return on investment and boosting the bottom line.

Topics Covered:

• Learn the critical factors that make new technologies valuable

• Discover methods to translate financial goals to operational actions

• Learn a simple method for calculating “bottom line” benefits of proposed actions

• Witness how relative small incremental changes can lead to big improvement in company performance

• See examples of how to set IT budgets that align precisely with corporate goals

The one-day workshops are offered at Synergistic Software Solutions Training Center at Two Meridian Crossings, Suite 320 in Richfield, MN.

Introductory Workshop Fee* and Registration Details

Introductory offer is $795 (regularly $995) and is offered for two enrollments during the introduction phase of these workshops. (This represents a savings of over $1100). Group rates and private workshops are also available at company locations. Please call Mike Hidding at 612.367.7361. To register and obtain more information, visit www.synergistic-us.com.

*This offer is time-limited and subject to change at the discretion of Synergistic Software Solutions, LLC

About Synergistic Software

Synergistic Software Solutions, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BDO Seidman, LLP, is based in Minneapolis, MN and has been serving clients for over 25 years with specific expertise in manufacturing and distribution solutions. Synergistic provides business management software and services that allow organizations the ability to unify disparate systems and processes into a single, integrated platform. Synergistic works closely with clients to deliver practical, expert advice and innovative solutions that streamline processes improve productivity and help optimize client relationships. For more information, visit www.synergistic-us.com or call 612.367.7300 or 800.828.5126.

Synergistic Software Solutions and the power of partnership are registered trademarks of BDO Seidman, LLP. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Contact Information Barbara Johnson

Synergistic Software Solutions, LLC


(612) 367-7378

Mike Hidding

Synergistic Software Solutions, LLC


(612) 367-7361

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