Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Voice Recognition Firm Releases White Paper Addressing IVR Software and ROI for Call Centers During Economic Downturn

Voice Recognition Firm Releases White Paper Addressing IVR Software and ROI for Call Centers During Economic Downturn

The voice recognition consulting company Crimsonet Technologies has released an IVR white paper addressing how voice recognition software systems can help companies maintain profitability through the economic downturn.The white paper recommends detailed ROI analysis on IVR software systems to diminish risk and increase call center productivity. Senior IVR consultant Haim Argaman says that in a poor economic climate, ROI analysis on IVR and voice recognition software for call centers can help to cut call center costs and improve customer satisfaction. The Crimsonet white paper addresses how interacting variables affect ROI analysis for call center IVR software.

Montreal, QC (PRWEB) February 11, 2009 -- Crimsonet Technologies announces the release of a new IVR white paper entitled "How ROI Analysis of your IVR Project Can See You Through the Economic Downturn". The white paper, released to coincide with Crimsonet's ITExpo call center presentation (, shows how ROI analysis on voice recognition software can diminish risk and increase the profitability of call centers in an economic downturn.

Call centers often strive to cut costs in an economic downturn. The result can be detrimental to customer satisfaction. The Crimsonet white paper discusses a common, viable solution: updating the IVR software system of call centers with customized voice recognition software. It also raises complex issues about the ROI aspects of such IVR software updates.

"Companies may not always think of updating their IVR software system in a down economy. They may think it's risky," noted Haim Argaman, owner and senior consultant at Crimsonet. "But the risk factor on an IVR and voice recognition software project can be eliminated with in-depth ROI analysis."

Topics covered in the Crimsonet white paper include an analysis of the factors involved in ROI analysis for voice recognition and IVR software systems. The white paper uses a case study to illustrate the relative complexity of calculating the returns on a voice recognition and IVR software project. The result of in-depth ROI analysis on new IVR software systems ensures lower costs and higher customer satisfaction, even when the economic situation is not favorable.

"It can be very difficult to both lower costs and maintain customer satisfaction," said Argaman. "Advanced voice recognition software for IVR systems allows you to do both, and ROI analysis makes sure that profits are maximized over the long-term."

The Crimsonet white paper can be downloaded on the company's IVR software website ( Further information can be found on the Crimsonet voice recognition software blog (


Contact Information Sarah Fletcher

Crimsonet Technologies, Inc.


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